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Riding Coach talking to student
Riding Coach talking to student

H-D® Riding Academy

Become a Riding Coach

Bring your passion for riding and teach the next generation of Harley-Davidson riders by becoming a Harley-Davidson® Riding Academy Coach. The reward starts the moment you step in front of your class. 

The Legend lives through you

Bring your passion for riding and teach the next generation of Harley-Davidson riders by becoming a Harley-Davidson® Riding Academy Coach. The reward starts the moment you step in front of your class. 

Riding coach with students on a course
Riding coach with students on a course
Requirements to become a coach

  • You must be a licensed motorcyclist
  • You are at least 18 years old 
  • You currently ride on a frequent, routine basis 
  • You should have a minimum of 2 years of varied riding experience  
  • Good communication skills 
  • A sincere desire to share the joy of motorcycling

  • The course is approximately 60 hours long – 7 to 10 days of intense training. 
  • You’ll be required to pass a riding-skill test and a knowledge test. 
  • You will teach a class of new riders at the conclusion of this training to earn your Rider Coach/ Instructor certification.

Typically this course is offered once a year. 

On average around $100. Check with your local Riding Academy Manager. Prices may vary by location. 

  • Ride every day
  • Secure the required riding gear: a helmet that complies with DOT standards; eye protection; over-the-ankle, sturdy leather footwear; long pants; long-sleeved shirt or jacket; and full-fingered gloves (preferably leather)
  • Spend time studying during off-class hours
  • Attend every class 

The Harley-Davidson Riding Academy Dealer will have contact information for the state motorcycle training program.

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