Riders that want to customize the look of their motorcycle should consider adding motorcycle flags to their bike. Harley-Davidson flags come in easy-to-assemble kits that include motorcycle flag poles and any additional mounting materials needed to attach the flag to the motorcycle. Most of the items in our collection are made of durable materials and are designed for parade use, meaning they should be taken down before riding at high speeds.
Many of the motorcycle flags we carry are part of our special collections, like our Wounded Warrior Project flags and our POW/MIA flags. We also have flags with iconic Harley designs, like our anniversary-edition flags. Many of the collections these flags belong to have matching motorcycle timer covers and motorcycle decals, so riders can create a cohesive look for their rides from front to back.
American flags are also very popular items in our collection. There are multiple American flags for motorcycles available, including premium options that have decorative finial tips on the motorcycle flag poles. Some of our items are designed to be used on cars and trucks as well, so riders can represent no matter what vehicle they choose. Pair our flags with motorcycle signs and other motorcycle accessories for a Harley-inspired gift that any motorcycle enthusiast will love. Take a look at our assortment of motorcycle flags and other iconic Harley items today!