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NEW ARRIVAL — In Dealer Exclusive

Screamin’ Eagle / Öhlins Inverted Fork Installation Kit – Road Glide

Part Number: 45400390
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Required for installation of Screamin’ Eagle X Öhlins Inverted Fork Legs P/N 45400392 and 45400393.

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    • Question:
      It says in the description; “Does not fit with fairing lowers”. Are these referring to the lower fairing pieces or to the lowers they mount to an engine guard? Reason I ask is the CVO ST and CVO both have the lower fairing pieces stock…
      HDRyderCT - Connecticut
    • Question:
      Hey there I have 2021 Road Glide Special How can I make work with bike? Are made you can tell what the difference are?
      Just want to ride - California
    • Question:
      Can this kit be used for front wheels that have the brakes mounted on the hub like the CVO models? The standard 2024 wheels have spoke mounted rotors. I want to use the same kind of front wheel as the CVO, meaning the rotors are on hub, not spokes.
      Charles23 - Wisconsin
    • Question:
      I have Ohlins front suspension already (not inverted) and dealer did a so-so job on cutting the holes in to access the suspension settings. I will modify but was wondering if the L
      maddscot - Texas
      • Answer:
        Hello maddscot, Dash nacelle cover, right side part number 70901279, Dash nacelle cover, left side part number 70901085. Please check with dealership to see if they can be ordered, these parts are not sold separately on the H-D online store. Thanks blairmke
    Screamin’ Eagle / Öhlins Inverted Fork Installation Kit – Road Glide