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Switchback Timer Cover

Artikelnummer: 25600166
Färg: Clear Anodized

Put performance first with Switchback Collection accessories. This forged billet aluminum cover features heavy knurled and machined texture protected with a durable anodized finish. These lightweight designs won’t slow you down.

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Put performance first with Switchback Collection accessories. This forged billet aluminum cover features heavy knurled and machined texture protected with a durable anodized finish. These lightweight designs won’t slow you down.
Durable dual-anodized black and raw aluminum finish
Knurled and machined details for added contrast
Authentic Bar & Shield logo
Includes mounting hardware
Complete this custom look with additional accessories from the Switchback Collection

Fits ’17-later Milwaukee-Eight® engine-equipped models (except ’23-later FLHXSE and FLTRXSE, and '24-later FLHX, FLTRX, and FLTRXSTSE).

Collection: Switchback
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