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Gloss Black Console Kit - without CB Communications Port

Artikelnummer: 70900463
Färg: Gloss Black

Lead the way to the dark side. This blacked-out Console Kit includes the major components required to change the chrome console to a dark custom look.

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Lead the way to the dark side. This blacked-out Console Kit includes the major components required to change the chrome console to a dark custom look.
Manufactured from Original Equipment components for superior fit and finish
Add your choice of Fuel Door (sold separately) to set your bike apart from the crowd
Available for models with or without 7-pin DIN headset connector
Kit includes black console, gasket, and hardware

Fits’08-later Electra Glide®, Street Glide®, Ultra Limited, Road Glide® and Tri Glide models with center fill tank. Does not fit '23-later FLHXSE, FLTRXSE, '24-later FLHX, FLTRX, FLTRXSTSE and '25-later FLHXU and FLTRXRRSE models.

WARRANTY: 1 year limited warranty – Go to www.h-d.com/warranty for full details