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Airflow Timer Cover

Référence de la Pièce : 25600047
Couleur : Mirror Chrome

Shaped to cheat the wind. The Airflow Collection features a raised bridge with 3 laminar grooves that float over the recessed panels.

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Shaped to cheat the wind. The Airflow Collection features a raised bridge with 3 laminar grooves that float over the recessed panels.
Polished and mirror-chromed
Layered surfaces capture light
Shadows frame the subtle black-filled Harley-Davidson® signature
Sets the stage for your one-of-a-kind custom ride
Includes chrome-plated mounting hardware

Fits '04-'22 XL and '04-later XR models.

Collection: Airflow
WARRANTY: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,