For Assistance Call | |
Hrvatska +43 1 52503 6295
România +43 1 52503 6294
България +43 1 52503 6293
Србија +43 1 52503 6297
Eesti +372 6979177
Malta +30 211 10 98 068
Latvija +371 66047807
Lietuva +370 66106077
Κύπρος +30 211 10 98 067
Россия +74951390061
Україна +74951390062
Country +74951390063
Azərbaycan +74951390065
Қазақстан +74951390064
Slovensko +421 220 570 163
1 Onward travel consists of contribution to the cost of onward travel to your destination.
2 Overnight accommodation contribution if your bike cannot be repaired in time for onward travel.
3 Repatriation of your bike back to your country of residence if the breakdown occurs abroad and the bike cannot be repaired in time for your return journey.