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Willie G Skull Derby Cover

Artikelnummer: 25700976
Färg: Black

Penned at the hand of Willie G, the famous Skull Collection makes a shift to the dark side. Completely drenched in black, the raised skull and surrounding Harley-Davidson Motorcycle script adds a subtle ominous touch to your ride.

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Penned at the hand of Willie G, the famous Skull Collection makes a shift to the dark side. Completely drenched in black, the raised skull and surrounding Harley-Davidson Motorcycle script adds a subtle ominous touch to your ride.
Black finish
Matte finish easily coexists alongside gloss black or wrinkle black surfaces
Includes matching black hardware

Fits '18-later FLSB and '19-later Softail models. Also fits '18 Softail models equipped with Narrow Profile Primary Cover P/Ns 25701077, 25700913, 25700937, 25700941, 25701039, 25701040 and 25701043.

Collection: Willie G. Skull
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