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Screamin' Eagle 135 Derby Cover

Artikelnummer: 25701517
Färg: Chrome

Brag a little. Let the world know you’re running 135 cubic inches of Harley-Davidson® V-Twin performance.

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Brag a little. Let the world know you’re running 135 cubic inches of Harley-Davidson® V-Twin performance.
Brilliant chrome finish matches chrome engine or contrasts with black engine finishes

Fits ’16-later Touring and Trike and ’15-later FLHTCUL and FLHTKL models. Also fits ’07-later Touring and Trike models equipped with Narrow-Profile Outer Primary Cover P/N 25700385 or 25700438.

WARRANTY: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,