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Empire Small Rider Footpegs

Artikelnummer: 50501900
Färg: Black

Raise the stakes. Milled highlights reveal gleaming billet aluminum below the rich black anodized surface, while deep grooves add eye-catching depth and detail to each component in this complete collection of hand and foot controls. Executed in durable cast and billet aluminum, the Black Machine Cut Empire Collection adds captivating custom detail that complements black or machine cut accessories.

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Raise the stakes. Milled highlights reveal gleaming billet aluminum below the rich black anodized surface, while deep grooves add eye-catching depth and detail to each component in this complete collection of hand and foot controls. Executed in durable cast and billet aluminum, the Black Machine Cut Empire Collection adds captivating custom detail that complements black or machine cut accessories.
Black Machine Cut Finish
Open cut-out design for edgy custom styling
Rubber top surface provides a positive grip while riding
Replaceable wear pegs
Add the complete collection, or start with one component and build your custom ride

Fits rider position on '20-later LiveWire, ’18-later FXFB, FXFBS, and '19-later FXDRS models.

Collection: Empire