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Adversary Small Brake Pedal Pad

Artikelnummer: 50600510
Färg: Black & Orange

A look to match your riding style – precise, refined and technical. Premium Adversary Collection accessories are crafted in forged billet aluminum with a durable dual-anodized black and orange finish for crisp contrast and colorful detail. The look is aggressive and performance driven. Step up to the next generation of customization.

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A look to match your riding style – precise, refined and technical. Premium Adversary Collection accessories are crafted in forged billet aluminum with a durable dual-anodized black and orange finish for crisp contrast and colorful detail. The look is aggressive and performance driven. Step up to the next generation of customization.
Durable dual-anodized black finish with orange highlights
Rubber provides a positive grip while riding
Complete this custom look with additional accessories from the Adversary Collection

Fits ’18-later FXBR, FXBRS and FLSB models. Also fits ’18-later Softail® (except '24-later FLI) models equipped with Billet Style Rear Brake Lever for Forward Controls P/N 41600218, 41600219 and 41600220.

Collection: Adversary