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Milwaukee-Eight Engine Accent Kit

Artikelnummer: 92500122
Färg: Orange

Get your high-performance engine noticed with this new Milwaukee-Eight® Engine Accent Kit. The kit includes tappet covers, lower rocker box covers, and pushrod collars that add dramatic contrasting color to the powertrain. A great way to detail out an engine upgraded with a Screamin’ Eagle® Stage Kit.

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Get your high-performance engine noticed with this new Milwaukee-Eight® Engine Accent Kit. The kit includes tappet covers, lower rocker box covers, and pushrod collars that add dramatic contrasting color to the powertrain. A great way to detail out an engine upgraded with a Screamin’ Eagle® Stage Kit.
Orange finish
Finish is tested and validated by Harley-Davidson to resist fading due to engine heat
Kit includes painted tappet covers, lower rocker box covers, and pushrod collars

Fits '17-later Milwaukee-Eight equipped models.