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Eagle Bar & Shield Timer Cover

Artikelnummer: 25600175
Färg: Black

Two iconic symbols of freedom and strength are celebrated in this stunning decorative component. A stylized eagle and the Bar & Shield logo are laser etched in black-anodized billet aluminum to achieve brilliant highlights with sharp detail.

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Two iconic symbols of freedom and strength are celebrated in this stunning decorative component. A stylized eagle and the Bar & Shield logo are laser etched in black-anodized billet aluminum to achieve brilliant highlights with sharp detail.
Billet aluminum with durable black anodized finish
Design is laser etched to reveal brilliant highlights with a sharp, contrasting look
Clear anodized finish layer over the of the graphic protects the appearance and integrity of the graphic from the elements

Fits ’17-later Milwaukee-Eight® engine-equipped models (except '23-later FLHXSE and FLTRXSE, '24-later FLHX, FLTRX and FLTRXSTSE, '25-later FLHXU and '25-later Softail models).

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