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Harley-Davidson Universal Phone Carrier and Handlebar Mount

Delenummer: 76001340
Farge: Chrome

This phone mount system is certified by Harley-Davidson to withstand the same testing endured by all of our motorcycle accessories, including UV exposure, adhesion pull-off testing, vibration and latch cycle testing, and even aerodynamic loads. Harley has over-engineered this mount to ensuring your phone stays connected to the bike.

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This phone mount system is certified by Harley-Davidson to withstand the same testing endured by all of our motorcycle accessories, including UV exposure, adhesion pull-off testing, vibration and latch cycle testing, and even aerodynamic loads. Harley has over-engineered this mount to ensuring your phone stays connected to the bike.
Brilliant chrome finish
Rugged construction – CNC-machined from 6063 aluminum to be lightweight and durable
Easy installation - Includes three shims to mount securely to 0.875″ to 1.250″ diameter handlebar
No custom case required - Adhesive mount attachment point can be attached to most cell phone cases. Simply clean the phone case surface and verify a good adhesive bond strength between phone case and universal interface
Just twist phone in mount to secure or remove with one hand
Rotates for vertical or horizontal viewing
Will hold almost any smart phone on the market

Fits '21-later RH1250S, RA1250 and RA1250S, ’22-later RH975, ’23-later RH975S, ’20 ELW, '02-'17 VRSC, ’15-20 XG, '04-‘22 XL (except XL88N, XL1200NS, and XL1200N), '08-'13 XR, '06-'17 Dyna® (except FXDB), '00-later Softail®, '09-later Touring (except '09-'13 FLHTCUSE and '14-'16 FLHTKSE), and '09-later Trike. Not recommended for Batwing Touring models with stock handlebars and analog fuel gauges.